Celebrate the Nation's 90,000 Clinical Nurses Specialists
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for
Action salutes clinical nurse specialists during National Clinical Nurse Specialist Recognition Week, September 1-7. Clinical nurse specialists, one of the four types of advanced practice registered nurses, are expert clinicians with advanced education and training in a specialized area of nursing practice who work in a wide variety of health care settings.
On August 20, the National Academy of Medicine's (NAM) Future of Nursing 2020-2030
Committee held an online event, "Nursing's Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies, and COVID — Critical Issues for the Future of Nursing 2020-2030." During the webinar, representatives from the NAM study on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030
shared updates on the study's status and a panel of experts discussed nursing's role in advancing health equity.
New Nursing Podcast Talks to Nurses About Challenges
Shift Talk, a new podcast sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, highlights nurse-led innovations that create and shape a more nurturing culture
. Meet the host, Nacole Riccaboni, a board-certified RN and critical care nurse practitioner, in this Q&A.
Common Ground: Advancing Full Practice Authority During COVID-19
Recognizing the critical role that the nation's advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) play in providing care to consumers, many states have temporarily relaxed restrictions on their practice authority. In this blog post, Amy Anderson, DNP, RN, CNE, shares why it is "a common sense, bi-partisan approach that policymakers should consider making permanent once the crisis is over."
American Academy of Nursing Names its Living Legends, Honorary Fellows
The American Academy of Nursing has designated five nurse leaders to receive its highest honor, the 2020 Living Legends Award, and has recognized four distinguished experts to serve as its 2020 Honorary Fellows. The AAN will present these honorific titles at its virtual conference in October.
Common Themes Emerge from First Round Nursing Innovations Fund
Nine state-based Action Coalitions successfully completed the first round of Nursing Innovations Fund projects by engaging in unique approaches, fostering connections to community partners, and demonstrating creativity and commitment. Each Action Coalition received a $25,000 Nursing Innovations Fund and raised required matching funds.
Registration Now Open for Putting Care at the Center Conference
Are you improving care for people with complex health and social needs? The National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs invites you to attend their conference,
Putting Care at the Center 2020: Virtual. Attendees will learn, share, and discuss the impact of 2020’s major events on people with complex needs and on the complex care field. The conference will be held online October 27-28.
New AARP New Mexico Director is Former N.M. Coalition Lead
AARP has hired Joseph P. Sanchez, PhD, formerly the Executive Director of the New Mexico Center for Nursing Excellence, a co-lead organization of the New Mexico Action Coalition, to serve as state director, AARP New Mexico. Sanchez has spent his career as an advocate for K-12 education, as well as for nursing.
Campaign Lists Ways to Help, Stay Informed About COVID-19
The Campaign for Action
website now offers a resources page with information for both nurses and the public about the novel coronavirus. Among features: leading nursing organizations seek information from nurses and offer health suggestions, while trusted health authorities tell the public how to support nurses, and stay safe.
Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at
[email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities
New - Apply for New Johnson & Johnson QuickFire Challenge
Are you a nurse on the frontlines of the COVID-19 fight with an idea to improve patient care? The new Johnson & Johnson Nurses Innovate QuickFire Challenge is designed to nurture early-stage ideas from nurse-led innovators on the frontlines of COVID-19. Deadline: September 29.
New - Have a Voice in Updating the "Patient-Reported Outcome Measures"
The National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs has partnered with Kaiser Permanente’s Institute for Health Policy and Care Management Institute to learn more about how patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) are being used in complex care programs. They are seeking your feedback in order to help improve complex care quality measurement. Survey deadline: September 14.
Complete Survey to Assess APRN Practice Barriers During COVID-19
All advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are invited to participate in a 10-15 minute national survey conducted by nurse researchers from Vanderbilt University, the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, and the University of Tennessee regarding the impact of COVID-19 on APRN practice, roles, and patient care. Deadline: September 18.
Culture of Health Prize Open for Community Applications
Communities are invited to apply for the 2021 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. Applications need to demonstrate how nominated organizations are working to transform neighborhoods, schools, and businesses to create a Culture of Health. Informational webinar: August 6. Application deadline: October 15, 3 p.m. ET.
Participate in Testing the Board Engagement Survey
Calling all registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs): have you served for at least one year on a board of directors with fiduciary responsibilities? You may be eligible to participate in a study, approved by the University of Massachusetts Boston Institutional Review Board, to test an instrument aimed at measuring the engagement of nurses on boards. Take the survey and share this message with your RN and APRN colleagues. Deadline: December 31.
You have received this email because you are a member of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action community or you requested a copy via email, or through CampaignforAction.org, or AARP.org.