Also Inside: Iraq Social Cohesion Study Published in Science.
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Focusing on the Foundations: Education in the Time of COVID-19

As schools reopen, governments are rightly focused on ensuring school re-entry for as many as possible. Now is a unique opportunity for governments, NGOs, and multilaterals to go a step beyond ensuring school re-entry to achieving learning for all—including the most disadvantaged. Previous research shows a central barrier to learning is that children come into classrooms at very different levels, many unable to keep up with the curriculum. As the COVID-19 crisis is expected to widen the gap between children with access to learning resources out of school and those without, teachers are likely to return to classes with an even wider range of kids’ abilities in their classrooms, making their jobs even more difficult, and risking even more children left behind. Drawing on decades of rigorous evidence and practical experience across dozens of countries, Douglas B. Marshall, Jr. Foundation, Innovations for Poverty Action, J-PAL, Pratham, Teaching at the Right Level Africa, and Young 1ove issued a joint statement recommending two actions, in particular, to support foundational learning for all, as we head back to primary schools around the world.

Watch the video here and read the full joint statement here.


In Iraq, Mixed-Religion Soccer Teams Helped Build Social Cohesion, Healed Wounds after War

Researcher: Salma Mousa

A new study released this month in Science points to a way to help repair social ties and promote coexistence after war. The study, funded by IPA's Peace & Recovery Program, found that in post-ISIS Iraq, mixing Christians and Muslims on soccer teams made Christian players more tolerant toward Muslims in their league, though the sentiments did not extend to Muslims in the broader community. The findings suggest that meaningful social contact can build community-level social cohesion with peers and acquaintances after war.

Read the press release here the summary here. 


The Reach of the COVID-19 Crisis in Rwanda: Lessons from the RECOVR Survey

By Luciana Debenedetti, Doug Kirke-Smith, and Jean Leodomir Habarimana Mfura

Amidst the global fight against the coronavirusRwanda stands apart. Early and extensive measures—a strict nationwide lockdown from March 21 to May 4, pool testing, comprehensive contact tracing, and quarantining of cases—laid important groundwork for the country’s broad-based response. During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have worked to reduce prevalence as well as to mitigate the socioeconomic impact of lockdown and other measures that have slowed down economic activity. To better understand the impact of the crisis on the Rwandan population, IPA ran the first round of our RECOVR survey in Rwanda from June 4-12. 
This blog post summarizes the key findings and policy implications. 

Read more in the full blog post.


Prioritizing Evidence-Based Responses in Burkina Faso to Mitigate the Economic Effects of COVID-19: Lessons from RECOVR
By Luciana Debenedetti, Shahana Hirji, Marius Ogoukonle Chabi, and Tessa Swigart

Using Data and Evidence to Inform School Reopening in Ghana
By Cynthia Bosumtwi-Sam and Sarah Kabay

What Do We Really Know about Phone Surveying in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?
By Michael Rosenbaum and Savanna Henderson

Community Monitoring Intervention Improves Headteachers’ Response to Coronavirus Pandemic
By Sarah Kabay

The Socioemotional Toll of COVID-19 on Families in Peru
By Juan M. Hernández-Agramonte, Claudia Paola Lisboa Vásquez, Carolina Méndez, Olga Namen, Emma Näslund-Hadley, and Luciana Velarde




On NPR, IPA Researchers Reflect on Deworming Impacts

Vox Covers 20-Year Deworming Results

Science Podcast Interviews Researcher Salma Mousa on Iraq Social Cohesion Study

FratMat on IPA’s RECOVR Surveys in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire



Using Evidence to Inform Social Policy in the Time of COVID-19: RECOVR Survey Results from the Philippines
September 1 | Webinar, Philippines

Informando la política pública relacionada con el COVID-19 a través de la generación rápida de datos: Resultados y respuestas de la encuesta RECOVR en Colombia
August 11 | Seminario, Colombia

IPA's Steven Glazerman Presents on Best Practices for Cross-National COVID-19 Phone Surveys
July 30 | Webinar, United States

IPA Trains Government Officials from Libya, Niger, and Mali on Impact Evaluations
July 28 | Webinar, Italy

Informing Policy on COVID-19 with Rapid Data: Results and Responses from the RECOVR Survey in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire
July 27 | Webinar, United States

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