September 1, 2020 is National Poll Worker Recruitment Day.
Dear ,
Have you ever thought about becoming a poll worker?
Now is the time to sign up and get involved. America is facing a critical shortage of these dedicated volunteers in the November election. Recruiting poll workers is a challenge for many election officials across the country and the COVID-19 pandemic has made this need even more critical.
The best way to ensure free, fair, and accessible elections is more citizen engagement at the polls and in the democratic process. That's why True the Vote has teamed up with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission on National Poll Worker Recruitment Day to raise awareness about the benefits and importance of poll working and inspire more Americans to volunteer in the November election.
Why is the need so critical now?
Despite many states expanding access to an unsecure vote-by-mail option, millions of Americans – especially voters with disabilities and those who lack reliable mail service – will continue to rely on in-person voting to cast a ballot.
Most poll workers have traditionally been over the age of 61, making them especially vulnerable to complications if they contract COVID-19. This has resulted in a critical need for poll workers who are willing and able to assist with the administration of in-person voting during an early voting period and on Election Day.
What does a poll worker do?
While their
specific duties and compensation vary depending on location, most jurisdictions task election workers with setting up and preparing the polling location, welcoming voters, verifying voter registrations, and issuing ballots. Poll workers also help ensure voters understand the voting process by demonstrating how to use voting equipment and explaining voting procedures. Election staff and volunteers are recruited and overseen by the local election authority, which provides information and training to poll workers in advance of Election Day.
More information about poll working and National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is available at
You can also visit for more resources and training programs to equip citizens to serve as election workers and to expose and deter election fraud. Check out the Election Observer Basic Training, Election Integrity 101, Poll Watcher Training, and Signature Verification Training.
If you are able and willing to serve, please sign up to work the polls on Election Day and help America vote.
God bless you. God bless America.
Catherine Engelbrecht Founder, True the Vote
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