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John, it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Right now in America, 89% of all gun homicides occur in urban communities, most often in communities of color that are disproportionately impacted by gun violence.

And while uninterrupted cycles of violence contribute to this senseless bloodshed, it is made worse by easy access to firearms sold by irresponsible gun dealers and their employees. 

We know that these guns do not just simply appear in impacted communities — they begin as legal firearms, sold by licensed gun dealers, that are funneled into the illegal market. Reckless dealers stuff their pockets while our communities suffer. And right now, there is NO federal law to hold dealers who put profits ahead of human life accountable. 

That’s why we must pass the Firearms Retailer Code of Conduct Act, H.R. 7977. But we need your help to do it, John.

Introduced by Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, this legislation establishes common-sense requirements for gun dealers and their employees to stop the diversion of firearms into the illegal market. Will you urge your representative right now to cosponsor this lifesaving legislation?


We know that licensed gun dealers and their employees play an integral role in preventing gun violence. They are on the front lines of defense in stopping guns from falling into the wrong hands. In fact, most gun dealers do exactly that. But incredibly, just 5% of gun dealers are responsible for 90% of recovered guns used in crimes. That means a very small percentage of dealers are responsible for fueling the illegal firearms market.

That’s why passing H.R. 7977 is so important. It requires gun dealers to be trained and certified in recognizing straw purchasers and gun traffickers, and holds them accountable for negligent business practices that endanger the American public. Please, urge your representative right now to cosponsor H.R. 7977.

Our communities are calling out for solutions like H.R. 7977. The clock is ticking and we have the solutions right in front of us— let’s get to work!

In solidarity,
Team Brady



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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States


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