Fellow Conservative,
How does a poor black kid from a single-parent household in South Carolina grow up to be a Senator speaking at the Republican National Convention?
The answer is that mentors in my life helped me realize the promise of hard work and the American Dream. And voters in my home state judged me on the content of my character, not the color of my skin.
You see, we live in a world that wants you to believe in only the bad news -- racially, economically, and culturally polarizing bad news. And yet the truth is,
our nation’s moral arc always bends back towards justice.
We are certainly not where we want to be, but thank God we are also not where we used to be!
I believe in the goodness of America, the promise that all men are created equal with inalienable rights.
Will you stand with me to help defend the promise of America?
Over the past four years, we have made tremendous progress towards that promise: