Email/Comment/Call Template:
My name is [insert name] and I'm with [insert your organization, union, or business]. I live and work in Los Angeles County.
As our economy reopens, it is imperative that our workplaces comply with County Health Officer orders.
Workers urgently need their jobs: without income, many families fear losing their homes. Business owners urgently want to re-open but unsafe protocols in the workplace threaten the health of workers, their families, customers and our communities.
If workplaces open to increased COVID outbreaks, it jeopardizes people's health, jobs, business operations, and our overall economy. We should not need to choose between our families' health and our economic survival. We can reopen far more safely with Public Health Councils as part of the solution.
Public Health Councils bring workers with detailed knowledge of a business's operations together with company management and leadership to contain the coronavirus, stem any outbreaks, and protect our entire community's health.
[optional--add details from your business or workplace, or REMOVE THIS LINE]
With your support, the County of Los Angeles can help protect the public, support our economy, and stem the pandemic.
By serving as the public’s eyes and ears, Public Health Councils will greatly expand the capacity of the County Public Health Department, and help us recover from this pandemic.
Thank you for your consideration and leadership.