By Mark Gruenberg

WASHINGTON—One by one, they strode up to the podium on a hot and humid day in D.C.: Relatives or survivors of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Jacob Blake and other unarmed Blacks whom police have gunned down over the years.
And one by one, they had a message for the crowd of more than 50,000 stretching from the Lincoln Memorial up and down the National Mall: Hit the streets. Keep marching for justice. And vote, vote, vote this fall.
“The police have killed so many of us there’s not enough time to acknowledge all the families,” the lead organizer of the August 28 march, the Rev. Al Sharpton said before calling Lesley Brown, Michael’s mother, to stand by him.
Michael’s murder in Ferguson, Mo., led to organization of the Black Lives Matter movement, a key participant in this “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks” march....