1600 Daily
The White House • August 31, 2020

LIVE: President Trump holds news conference

Tune in at 5:30 p.m. ET today as President Trump holds a news conference from the White House. After the event, you may also watch a recording of it using the link below.

Click here to watch President Trump's briefing!

Update: President Trump surveys damage from Hurricane Laura

President Trump visited Texas and Louisiana on Saturday to survey damage after Hurricane Laura made landfall last week.

As of today, FEMA has delivered 324,000 liters of water and 811,400 meals in Texas, along with 3.1 million liters of water and 2.6 million meals in Louisiana.

🎬 WATCH: People of faith are helping families and communities recover

“I want to thank the men and women of FEMA and the first responders and the law enforcement, which we love and we cherish and are doing a fantastic job,” President Trump said in Louisiana.

The President quickly approved emergency declarations for Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi, and local leaders praised the quick response and ongoing support from Federal officials over the weekend.

“Of all the storms I’ve been through—which, as you know, has been a lot—I’ve never received a swifter response from the administration. And so, on behalf of everybody in this room and everybody across the state of Texas, we want to say ‘thank you,’” Texas Governor Greg Abbott said.

🎬 WATCH: President Trump is helping Texas rebuild

🎬 “Most powerful storm in Louisiana and Texas in 150 years”

President Trump to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin, tomorrow

After yet another weekend of violence and unrest in major democrat-run cities, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany briefed Americans this afternoon on the Administration’s ongoing response.

While Democrat leaders continue to condemn President Trump instead of the violent rioters, many local officials are thanking the President for stepping in where other politicians have failed.

“Kenoshans are hurting and looking for leadership, and your leadership in this time of crisis is greatly appreciated by those devastated by the violence in Kenosha,” a letter to President Trump from seven Kenosha County Board members reads.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers is not the first Democrat leader to make a media show of rejecting Federal support to score political points. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler rejected Federal law enforcement assistance in a letter to President Trump on Friday. The next day, a man was shot and killed on Portland’s streets by a member of the far-left criminal group Antifa.

Along with Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Chicago, and New York City have all seen major spikes in violent crime this summer. Their Democrat leaders have tried to appease rioters by allowing lawlessness to prevail.

“I’ve stood behind this podium and highlighted this issue for months,” McEnany said today. “While this President is always willing to show up, it is incumbent on Democrats to step up.”

🎬 Democrat leaders must stand up to anarchy, violence, and destruction

🎬 Murders in Portland alone have spiked 650 percent

Photo of the Day

President Trump participates in an emergency operations center briefing in Orange, Texas | August 29, 2020

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