Clcv Member,

Labor Day is not just about honoring the movement that has lifted so many families out of poverty, it is an important moment to recommit ourselves to advancing the values of the labor movement: ensuring safe, good jobs with benefits and representation for everyone.

These values are personal for me. As someone who started my career as a union organizer, I believe deeply in the irreplaceable role the labor movement plays to secure our middle class. These values are part of what brought me to the environmental movement.

The need to completely transition to a clean economy and adapt our infrastructure provides a unique moment to create new economic opportunity, address inequality, and create safer communities at a massive scale.

And we're all-in for a Green New Deal because these are exactly the opportunities and values this ambitious proposal represents.

The Green New Deal includes a plan to:

  1. Create public jobs with livable wages to those who need one
  2. Ensure workforce transitions to frontline communities and workers most impacted by our climate crisis
  3. Accelerate the nation towards a goal of 100% clean, renewable energy by 2030
  4. Transition our buildings, transportation, and infrastructure to prepare us for what’s to come

CLCV Member, it’s time to think bigger about what’s possible. Our future depends on it.

Join with us today -- on Labor Day -- in urging Congress to pass a Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal is an opportunity for us to set a new vision for our country- one that is more inclusive, secure, and sustainable than where we are currently. This vision of a better future is catching on across the country.

With workers, young people, and elected leaders in every state fighting for justice and progress through our economic transition. Strengthening the partnership between the climate and labor movement is critical if we are to succeed.

Today is a new opportunity. We need to call on our California congressional leadership right now to take action. We need their unwavering commitment to the boldest possible action on workers’ rights and the climate crisis. These issues are deeply connected, and anything less than the bold vision of a Green New Deal won’t be enough.

Add your name now and urge Congress to pass a Green New Deal.

Together, we can protect ourselves from the impacts of future climate catastrophe and meet our communities’ needs for safe jobs, economic security, healthcare, full employment, and worker empowerment for everyone.

With gratitude to our labor partners,

Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer
California League of Conservation Voters


Since 1972, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) has protected our land, air, water, and public health as the non-partisan political arm of the environmental movement. CLCV's mission is to protect and enhance the environment and the health of all California communities by electing environmental champions, advancing critical priorities, and holding policymakers accountable. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.