Bumping our email from this morning. This is the most critical election of our lives. We MUST defeat Trump. Help us close our $3,268 budget gap by rushing a contribution to our Flip Florida Fund before midnight: https://secure.debbiewassermanschultz.com/august-2020 ----Begin forwarded message---- Here’s the latest update: The good news is that polls show Biden leading in Florida, proving that our Flip Florida Fund is already making an impact. The bad news is that Republicans are going all out to win Florida, and super PACs are spending tons of money here to try to ensure a Trump victory. Look, it’s up to us to make sure Biden wins Florida and sends Trump packing. Can you help us do that by making a contribution to our Flip Florida Fund now? We have $6,720 left to raise before midnight TONIGHT. Donate $10 now Donate $25 now Donate $50 now Donate $100 now Other amount Thanks, Team DWS |