Dear John,
I am writing to you with some exciting news.
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s Board of Trustees announced today that John A. Burtka IV has been appointed as ISI’s new President. He will begin his new role on September 21.
Johnny Burtka is a proven leader in the conservative intellectual movement. An ISI alumnus, he returns to ISI after four years at The American Conservative magazine, where he served as Executive Director and Acting Editor. He graduated from Hillsdale College with degrees in French and Christian Studies and earned a graduate degree in theology from La Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix-en-Provence, France.
He was a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute in 2018. He has appeared on Fox News and Fox Business and written for the Washington Post, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, First Things, the American Mind, and the Intercollegiate Review, among others. Previously, he participated in academic fellowships at Washington College and the Trinity Forum.
Johnny has been a tireless advocate for the people and ideas that ISI holds dear. I have every confidence that he will be an outstanding leader of ISI.
I am an ISI alumnus. So I know the extraordinary impact ISI can have on young people who stand against the prevailing tide of student and faculty opinion. At every step of my intellectual development, I have had a companion in ISI. And I know that Johnny wants ISI to be a guide and resource for you as well.
When I asked Johnny about his vision for ISI, he said: “Simply put, ISI is the Oxford of American conservatism. It’s the place where conservative students, alumni, and thought leaders go to do their thinking about the most pressing challenges of the day. As cancel culture and identity politics consume mainstream discourse on campuses and in the media, ISI keeps the flame of memory alive in a revolutionary age.”
Johnny will be the eighth President in ISI’s 67-year history. He succeeds Charlie Copeland, who became President of ISI in November 2016. Charlie leaves ISI after nearly a decade of service as a Board member and most recently as President. The Board thanks Charlie for all his contributions in support of ISI’s mission to advance the principles and virtues of a free society.
The members of our Board have known Johnny for years, and we know he is the right person to lead ISI. I hope you will join me in welcoming him.
Thomas Lynch
Chairman of the Board, Intercollegiate Studies Institute