Monday, August 31st 2020
Help us right the course for our country.
"California is an early glimpse for the rest of the country of a blackout-rolling, water-deprived, tax-hiking, spending-spiking one-party state longing for its old incandescent glow."

Currently, there is a Virginia company, powered by natural gas, helping to keep California lights on!
We need to ensure our Commonwealth and country are put back on track.

This is exactly why this race is absolutely critical.
We need to send Scott Taylor to Congress to preserve our American values.

We need Scott's voice in Congress for us to protect Virginia and America for our families and our businesses.

We need your help today. In order to remain competitive in this race, we are in critical need of fundraising help. Please support our effort today - to get Scott elected and to safeguard our American values.
We have an important fundraising deadline tonight.
Please support our campaign now - any amount helps!
Please share our fundraising link with your network!
We are busy in the district!
The countdown is on: just 64 days remaining before Election Day!
Please join our campaign.

What can you do to help us ensure we are successful in November? We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities - we would love to get you involved right away!

Also, fundraising is critical. Please forward this email, or share our link with your network to help us raise the money we need to remain competitive in this race:

After these August storms, many supporters need replacement yard signs. Do you need a new yard sign or bumper sticker?
SAVE THE DATE! General Election
November 3rd 2020 *only 64 days away!