We are now one day from the end of primary election voting on September 1. That's means we have just a few hours left to contact Masscahusetts voters and turn them out for Joe.

There are around 300,000 voters that still need to be contacted! And we could never do this without our amazing volunteers. That is why we are so excited to invite you to our fresh round of organizing events. Can we count on you to sign up for one of our volunteer shifts?

Upcoming events:

Monday, August 31st
10 AM-12 PM; training @ 9:30 AM
12-2 PM; training @ 11:30 AM
2-4 PM; training @ 1:30 PM
4-6 PM; training @ 3:30 PM
6-8 PM; training @ 5:30 PM
Tuesday, September 1
10 AM-12 PM; training @ 9:30 AM
12-2 PM; training @ 11:30 AM
2-4 PM; training @ 1:30 PM
4-6 PM; training @ 3:30 PM
6-8 PM; training @ 5:30 PM

The momentum behind our campaign has never been more palpable, folks. People out there like Joe and are excited to vote for him. Now, they just need the extra push that we can all provide. Together, we'll be able to win. We can do this.

Thank you for your time and support,

Organizing Team @ Kennedy HQ