Dear John -

Election Day is just 9 short weeks away! We need your help getting environmentalists to the polls.

Politicians won’t pay attention to environmentalists until we start voting, so we’re going to turn up the heat... by turning up at the polls. The Environmental Voter Project aims to significantly increase voter demand for environmental leadership by identifying inactive environmentalists and then turning them into consistent activists and voters. Join your fellow CCL volunteers for training, phone banking, and texting with Environmental Voter Project.

RSVP below for the various opportunities available. 
Opportunities with
Environmental Voter Project (EVP)

What: CCL East Coast Chapters' Phone Bank with EVP 
When: Every Wednesday from September 2nd until November 3rd, 6:30-8:30pm EDT
Where: RSVP for details

What: CCL Mid-Atlantic Text Bank Training with EVP
When: Wednesday, September 9th at 5:00pm EDT
Where: RSVP for details 

What: EVP Training and Calling Party with Eco.Logic
When: Wednesday, September 9th at 6:30pm EDT
Where: RSVP for details 


What: EVP Mid-Atlantic Texting Party
When: Tuesday, September 15th, 4:30pm-6:00pm EDT
Where: RSVP for details

CCL DC Chapter Meeting

Saturday, September 12, 11:00am EDT

Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!

What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, September 12th, 11:00am EDT
Where: Zoom (RSVP for details)


What: Antiracism Discussion
When: Wednesday, September 16

What: Leading Effective Teams/Building Power Workshop
When: Saturday, September 19
We have a PACKED calendar for the next few months.

See all upcoming events and RSVP to internal meetings organized by the DC Chapter and chapter teams on our chapter's Community event page. CCL National also offers trainings and action team meetings on their event page.

Not able to get on Community? Send a screenshot to [email protected], and if you're not getting any responses, cc a chapter leader and they'll light a fire for you :-)
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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