On this Labor Day, I’m reflecting on our continued fight to end economic inequality in our communities and make sure that no one who works full time lives in poverty.


On this Labor Day, I’m reflecting on our continued fight to end economic inequality in our communities and make sure that no one who works full time lives in poverty.

In July, the House passed a bill I co-sponsored to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour — which would increase pay for 27 million workers and help lift 1.3 million households out of poverty.

Outrageously, Republicans in the Senate are refusing to even allow a vote on it.

If you agree with me that change can’t wait, add your name now and call on Senate Republicans to listen to the American people and raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

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The inequities evident in the communities of MA-7 — and around the country — did not happen by chance; they are the result of decades of policy designed to favor the top one percent. But that means they can be undone by committed advocacy, committed legislating, and committed organizing.

For workers in the middle class, stagnant wages mean they cannot keep up with the rising cost of child care, rent, and health care. The first step toward creating a fair and strong economy is to increase the minimum wage.

I look forward to continuing — in partnership with organized labor and with you — to keep the pressure on Senate Republicans to pass a much needed raise for the American people.

Add your name to demand that the federal minimum wage be raised to $15 per hour. It’s going to take all of us raising our voices to get this done.

Thank you and Happy Labor Day.

In Solidarity,