Trump is running on the same “promise” of making America great, but what does that mean?
We have the most recorded cases of COVID-19 in the world, our economy is failing us as 18 million Americans are unemployed, and we’re experiencing the devastating effects of the climate crisis as dozens of states face extreme weather conditions, wildfires, and toxic smoke.
This is what Trump thinks America is like when it’s “great again.” This President has failed us at every level. Do we want four more years of that?
There's only been one defense against Trump’s horrific reign since 2018, and that’s the Democratic House majority. But now, some of our most vulnerable members are facing a financial shortfall.
The deadline is tonight — rush in a donation to help us hold the Democratic House majority, and flip the Senate and White House blue →
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
The Momentum Fund is only open until tonight at midnight. We want to share our success and show that we can raise money without using fear mongering tactics like Republicans do, but we’re running out of time.
Donate now:
Let’s do this together,
All of us at Team Takano
Since 2013, Mark Takano has represented the people of the Inland Empire in the United States House of Representatives, fighting for the region’s progressive priorities. He’s been a voice for veterans, seniors, students, local businesses and hardworking families. We need to hold our Democratic Congressional majority now more than ever. The leadership of Democrats like Mark will be critical to holding Trump accountable and ensuring the healing of our country during this challenging time. Please help us keep Mark in Congress fighting for our Democratic values by contributing today!