Building No Kill Communities!
Dear John,

The rescue van pulled into our Medical Center at 1:27 a.m. Sunday, driven by two tired volunteers and holding 15 cats and 10 dogs saved from the Category 4 hurricane that hit the Louisiana coastline just days ago.
Among the frightened and out-of-sorts animals were Yogi, a brindle and white Shepard mix who was already recovering from a car collision before the storm, and Fitz, whose back right leg was amputated in late July after she was found alone and untended with a severe bone break.
According to news reports, Hurricane Laura was the strongest system to hit Southern Louisiana in over 160 years, bringing 150 mph winds and major destruction. PAWS Chicago stepped in to rescue dogs and cats from shelters impacted by the storm, freeing them to save the influx of local animals displaced by the hurricane.

These 25 animals who arrived in the night after a 13-hour drive are now safe. Each one will receive the ultimate gift: a loving family. But for many, the road is a long one still, with medical care, surgery, rehab, and foster care in their future.

We are committed to being there when disaster strikes, rescuing animals in need. You can help. Please consider a donation today. Your gift is a gift of life for Yogi, Fitz, the 23 other Hurricane Laura-impacted animals now in our care and thousands more dogs and cats each year.

Thank you for giving them a chance, and for all you do to save homeless animals.
Paula Fasseas
Founder & Chair
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