Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

Right now, there are laws in place that are intended to prevent certain dangerous people, like convicted felons, fugitives, and domestic abusers, from buying guns. But that doesn't stop some of them from lying about their background and trying anyway.

Now, in 37 states local officials find out about every instance of an illegal "lie and try" effort to buy a gun — but here in Delaware, we aren't automatically given this information from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

It's a crime for these dangerous people to lie and try to buy firearms, but law enforcement can't protect us from them if they don't know who they are.

That's why with Senator Pat Toomey, I introduced the bipartisan NICS Denial Notification Act. This bill would provide law enforcement in every state with this critical information to help them enforce existing laws against dangerous individuals who attempt to purchase firearms, but have no legal right to do so.

Will you join me in taking this important step toward ending gun violence? Add your name now to become a citizen co-sponsor.

During my time in the Senate, I've supported gun safety reforms that will protect families all across America — from banning high-capacity magazines to strengthening background checks. And all of them are important, necessary steps in combating the gun violence epidemic.

But the NICS Denial Notification Act has bipartisan support — meaning we can get it passed now and make Delaware, and other states lacking these resources, safer.

So please, I am asking for your help — add your name now to become a citizen co-sponsor and join me in getting one step closer to passing commonsense gun safety reform.

Thank you,

Chris Coons


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