
It's safe to say that I'm not the traditional, cookie-cutter candidate for Congress -- and that matters.

I didn't come from a family with money. I wasn't born into a network of connections and opportunities to get me where I am today. My grandparents are certainly not billionaires pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC to buy a seat for me like my opponent’s family.

As the first LGBTQ Latina elected at the local level in San Diego, someone who grew up in the barrio, daughter of immigrant parents, I have worked three times as hard as others to be here, running for Congress.

Voices like mine are needed in Congress now more than ever -- as we face a climate crisis, record unemployment rates, and unrest around the country because of the death of our Black brothers and sisters at the hands of the police. We need people with progressive values and lived experiences that will lift people through their troubles and force Congress to care more about progressive change, not legislative bandaids.

But to get to Congress, I need your help -- can you chip $5 or anything you can to my campaign before midnight tomorrow to help elect me to Congress? I’ve spent my entire life dedicated to improving the community where I grew up, the schools I attended, the housing I lived in, the public transit I rode, the small businesses I frequented -- because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. But we can and should make them better.

From community organizing to sitting on the City Council, I've worked to accomplish so much for our district. In Congress, we can achieve even more together.

Chip in $5 or anything you can to our grassroots campaign for change by the end of the month so we have what it takes to win this campaign.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for being with me in this fight. I'm here for you, and I'm ready to be your representative.

With love,

Georgette Gómez