
The first night of the Republican National Convention proved to us that our country is headed in the right direction, as long as we have strong Republican leaders guiding the way.
On the second night, we were reminded about what it means to achieve the American Dream, and how President Trump has worked hard to build positive relationships with countries overseas. 
Finally, on the third night, light was shone on America’s brave men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day. We gave thanks to our first responders, soldiers, and law enforcement who fight to keep our families safe.

Will you donate today to keep proud Republican leaders in office?
The Republican National Convention made it clear that President Trump has accomplished so much more in the past four years than the Democrats would ever give him credit for. 
Contrary to the doom-and-gloom attitudes of the Democrats, the Republican party is focused on celebrating our wins and continuing on the path of the Great American Comeback.

The future of America depends on us, President Trump’s loyal patriots.
While the Democrats are busy pointing fingers and trying to drag his name through the dirt, President Trump is rising to the occasion and making things happen for America.
Can we count on you to help us keep the American Dream alive? 

Thank you for tuning in to the Republican National Convention and standing up for our shared conservative values.

Shannon Golden
Executive Director - Kansas GOP

Paid for by the Kansas Republican Party.
Contributions to the Kansas Republican Party are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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