Dear friends,
This Labor Day, I thank our union employers and all labor workers and their families for the many positive contributions they have made in our Northwest Indiana communities.
At a time when union workers’ rights are under constant and renewed threats, it is important to remember how organized labor fought to make our entire economy grow and ensure that the rights of all workers are protected.
The concerns of our hardworking men and women are always at the forefront of my mind -- from fighting against the illegal trading practices of other countries that destroy our manufacturing industries, to fair wages, safe working conditions, secure retirement benefits, and access to quality health care.
In this crucial time, our union men and women need a strong voice in Washington advocating for their rights and protections. I am proud to represent the voice and interests of our region, our steelworkers, and our labor unions in Congress.
So, let us take an extra moment to honor our incredible workers -- past and present -- on this Labor Day.
In Solidarity,
Pete Visclosky
Member of Congress