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Back to School: Islamist Indoctrination for US Kids? Why is 'Access Islam" backed by the Dept. of Education? Read and Share
Ditching Zarif: The Dramatic Story of the Iranian Reporter Who Defected In a miraculous story, Amir Tohid Fazel escaped Zarif's huge security detail Read
What Was the Pentagon Thinking? They just sent a message of weakness to a big US enemy Watch
Does Amazon's 'The Boys' Help Explain Mass Shootings? How the media is pushing dystopian narratives in the age of Trump Read and Share
Readers Write
Does Amazon’s ‘The Boys’ Help Explain Mass Shootings?
“You ask the questions: 1. How is desperation glamorized in our culture? It is heavily indoctrinated victim-hood! 2. How can we push beyond our culture’s increased violence and polarization? a) Actual physical conversation no tech allowed. b) In that conversation must include people who you do not know and people you disagree with politically. c) If you must indoctrinate children, let it be with "REAL" victims or handicapped or underprivileged... etc. Quit talking about world problems around the very young. Quit isolating children by categories and first & always... put in the effort of fully parenting. INSTEAD OF running them to "improvement activities" STOP blaming everyone else for the fact that you aren't paying attention to your child and that instead of talking to them, you let people you don't even know form their fears, prejudices & morals. ”
- T.S.

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