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Disrupting Grantmaking: Matchmaking, algorithms, proposal-less programs, and the future of philanthropy

What if we completely reimagined our work, applying models from other sectors to do away with applications, applicant burden, and competitive processes? Get ready for some futurist thinking from Adam Liebling of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.



From Reviewer to Co-Designer: Collaborating with Applicants to Strengthen Proposals

On September 15, learn about the Health Foundation of South Florida's proposal co-design approach – what it means from a process and change management perspective, its impact on programs funded, and how it ties organizational values to practices.


Join this week’s trending conversations:

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September 2 | Virtual
Drive Equity: Promoting Justice and Inclusion in the Grantmaking Process

September 10 | Virtual
Lunch & Share: Streamlined Applications and Reports (PEAK Florida)

September 15 | Virtual
From Reviewer to Co-Designer: Collaborating with Applicants to Strengthen Proposals

September 16 | Virtual
Breaking the Nonprofit Starvation Cycle

September 17 | Virtual
Dance Party Break (PEAK Midwest)

September 23 | Virtual
Driving Collaboration: Bridging the Gap between Grantmakers and Grantseekers


Weekly Reads

“Few of [philanthropy’s] efforts have recognized that we can’t put an end to racism until we create a more just housing system: A stable place to call home is necessary for learning, maintaining employment, being healthy, feeling safe, and building strong family and community life.”  [more]
– Amanda Andere and Bill Pitkin, Funders Together to End Homelessness

"Philanthropists insist that they provide support in an apolitical way. But since the entire philanthropic world exists as an artifact of political choices — the tax and corporate code first among them – this is simply not possible. It is not a coincidence that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s admonishment of white moderates applies perfectly to nonprofits and foundations."  [more]
– Lucy Bernholz, Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society

“For most nonprofits of color, capacity-building opportunities have been largely inaccessible because conventional capacity building requires organizations to have attained a level of ‘readiness’ [...and...] even when conventional capacity building has been accessible, it has often encouraged organizations to assimilate to standards rooted in white professionalism.”  [more]
– April Nishimura, Roshni Sampath, Vu Le, Anbar Mahar Sheikh & Ananda Valenzuela, in Stanford Social Innovation Review

Guiding a Giving Response to Anti-Black Injustice: A collaborative memo offering funders potential paths to invest in organizations and movements within the Black-led racial justice ecosystem.  [more]
– Susan Taylor Batten, ABFE; Edward M. Jones, Leslie MacKrell, and Jerry Petit-Frere, The Bridgespan Group

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