Democratic Victory PAC

We’ve never seen a more corrupt administration in history.

Donald Trump surrounds himself by grifters whose top priority is feeding at the public trough––and he's right there with them.

Whether it’s making false claims to raise millions of dollars for building Trump’s wall, using government contracts to line their pockets, or spending taxpayer money at Trump properties, these con artists have abused the public trust.

And what do Senate Republicans have to say about it? Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nothing. It’s crickets from GOP members charged with protecting the American people from these blatant acts of corruption.

Jack, we need to put an end to the overwhelming corruption of the past four years. And we can start by cleaning out the Senate.

Can you donate today to help us get rid of Trump’s Republican enablers in the Senate who have turned a blind eye to his corrupt and illegal activities? Pitch in $27 or more now and help us fight back >>>
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$5 $27
$50 $75
$100 Other

Hard-working Americans have had enough of being taken advantage of by Donald Trump’s rich cronies.

Trump is allowing his family and circle of side-kicks to abuse their status while adding millions to their net worth. His daughter and son-in-law made nearly $100 million last year while holding senior adviser positions in the White House.

It’s immoral and sickening. We need to flush out the corruption of the Trump presidency this November.

Jack, will you donate right now to help us elect Democrats and take back the Senate in 2020?

Democratic Victory PAC


Donate now to defeat Donald Trump, hold the House, and take back the Senate.

This will be the most consequential election of our lifetimes, and we're mobilizing online grassroots communities to stand up against Trump's hateful rhetoric and harmful agenda. Together we can help elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and sweep Democrats into office across the country.

Donate Now

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Paid for by Democratic Victory PAC, INC, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 611 Pennsylvania Ave Unite 143, Washington, DC 20003

Democratic Victory PAC
611 Pennsylvania Ave
Suite 143
Washington, DC 20003
United States