As summer winds down this Labor Day, I’m reminded of everything this holiday stands for -- and everyone who made sacrifices to secure workers’ rights throughout our nation’s history.
As the daughter of an ironworker (that’s my dad below!), the work of union organizers and the labor movement is deeply personal to me. I learned from a young age that just because a strong economy is rewarding some, it doesn’t always mean that working families are reaping the same benefits.

Countless workers struggle to make ends meet, on top of having to fight for reasonable benefits and safer working conditions. Over the years, labor organizers have made unprecedented progress in the fight for fair wages, affordable health care, and worker protections -- but I know our work isn’t done yet.

So this Labor Day, I’m honoring the unions who built the middle class and paved a path forward for our country by continuing their fight -- by standing with them to build a better future that works for everyone.
It’s going to take all of us to continue to protect workers’ rights. But with supporters like you by my side, I’m confident we can get the job done.
From my family to yours, have a happy and safe Labor Day!
-- Lori