
In a minute, I’m going to ask if you can chip in a few dollars to my campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate. But before I do, I want to take a moment to explain why your contribution matters so much in this election.

I’m not sure if you tuned in to the Republican National Convention this week, but I did, and let me tell you, it was... bleak.

In stark contrast to the Democratic Convention, which presented a vision of a hopeful and unified future, the Republican convention was brimming with fear, hatred, and division.

Republican speakers – many of whom shared the last name Trump – took the values and progressive aspirations we’re fighting for, like criminal justice reform, affordable health care for all, common sense gun reform, and a humane immigration system, and twisted it into a dark, dystopian nightmare.

Not to mention, all of the speeches that took place at the White House were blatantly against the law, violating the Hatch Act which was written to prevent presidents like Trump from abusing the presidency for personal gain.

It was hard to watch. And it further showed how clear a choice we have in this November’s election.

We can elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, flip the Senate, take control of the COVID-19 pandemic, restore decency to the office of the presidency and move our country forward once more – or we can continue down this truly frightening path.

We have just about two months left to steer our country on that brighter, positive path, but we need the resources to continue mobilizing and getting out the vote.

That’s why this Monday’s end-of-month deadline matters so much. With that in mind, and with so much on the line, can you make a contribution of any amount today to support me in our fight for decency, justice, and a country that works for everyone?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

It’s been the ultimate honor to serve you in the Senate, and I appreciate any support you’re able to give to keep me there fighting for you.

