Now is the time we need to really build the infrastructure that will propel all of our candidates to victory.

Truth to Power


When I launched Truth to Power in June, I had no idea what the response would be -- I just knew I wanted to help elect powerful voices for truth to Congress.

Thanks to folks like you, we won some major primary victories -- in fact, 100% of our candidates have won their races. Truth to Power candidates Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, Ritchie Torres, Candace Valenzuela, Kara Eastman, Dana Balter, and Amaar Campa Najar are all one step closer to joining me in Congress.

Momentum is at our backs, but we need to keep this going through November 3rd. Now is the time we need to really build the infrastructure that will propel all of our candidates to victory.

My team tells me that if we can raise $70,000 by the end of August, we’ll be able to put our plans into motion to support all of our candidates through November. Can you make a gift today to help us reach that ambitious goal?

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When I launched this movement, I was adamant that we would take no money from corporate PACs or other special interests -- because you can’t represent the people if you answer to the powerful.

But I can’t represent the people all on my own, which is why we’re working so hard to help elect all our endorsed candidates to Congress to join me in January.

Making that happen means supporting a lot of organizing, a lot of phone calls, a lot of ads, a lot of text messages, a lot of virtual events for these campaigns. It means we really need to ramp up our efforts, especially earlier on where our investments will have the most impact.

So, will you chip in what you can to help us reach our $70,000 fundraising goal? Any amount you can spare will help our 15 Truth to Power candidates get closer to joining me in Congress.

Thanks for being in this fight,

Katie Porter




Paid for by Truth to Power PAC

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Truth to Power PAC
PO Box 5176
Irvine, CA 92616

Email us: [email protected]