
My primary election is on Tuesday and I need your help, but first let me tell you why:

  1. I want to continue my work in Congress speaking up for our communities, supporting our veterans, battling the mental health and opioid crises, and working towards common-sense solutions on the biggest issues facing our country.
  2. I want to continue fighting for our District and the rest of our beautiful state.
  3. This is a bizarre election cycle and we can’t afford risking a Trump-approved Republican winning this seat.

It’s essential that I win this election, but we can’t take anything for granted. Will you make a contribution to my re-election campaign to make sure I stay in Congress?

This has been one of the strangest election cycles I can remember. Instead of talking with voters face to face, shaking hands, and meeting new people, I’ve been on non-stop Zoom calls—like most of the rest of the world. It’s been difficult to connect and especially difficult to get the word out about our September 1st elections.

I’m asking for your help today to make sure I can return to Congress and continue my work on behalf of you, your neighbors, and all of the constituents of the Sixth District. I need your help to make sure I can keep battling the opioid crisis, building a coalition to make real progress on climate change, ensuring everyone has health care as a right, and fighting for investments and good jobs across our District.

Now’s the time to finish this race as strong as possible. Please contribute whatever is meaningful to you right now ahead of my primary on Tuesday.

Thank you for whatever you can do,
