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ICYMI: Indiana is Open for Business
as the Illinois Exodus Continues

Thanks to strong Republican leadership, Indiana is open for business -- while Democrats in Illinois continue to pursue a path of higher taxes, more regulation and staggering debt.

In case you missed it, check out this column from the Chicago Tribune contrasting Indiana's pro-growth, balanced-budget, low-tax, stable approach with Illinois' Democrat dysfunction:
Read "Indiana is Open for Business" Here >>
Excerpts from "Indiana is Open for Business as the Illinois Exodus Continues"
By John Kass

“Illinois business owners know that even with all these issues, there are some state officials who care about them. Only they’re not from Illinois. They’re from Indiana...
“There is no hope because there is no political will in Illinois to solve its own problems...
“Indiana had Gov. Mitch Daniels who swung his budget ax years ago and straightened his state out. He was followed by Mike Pence, the vice president, and current Gov. Eric Holcomb. And what did these three accomplish?..
“Indiana property taxes are much lower than Illinois. Indiana has little legacy debt. Indiana pays its bills on time: Illinois currently owes more than $6.5 billion in overdue bills. Indiana’s credit rating is Triple-A from the three main rating agencies while Illinois’ credit rating is near junk. In terms of doing business and livability, Indiana ranks at the top of Midwestern states by U.S. News & World Report for long-term stability and affordability."
“The trial lawyers don’t run Indiana politics."

Read "Indiana is Open for Business" Here >>
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