Time to put the Labor back in Labor Day
Dear John,

As Florida braces for another major hurricane that may make landfall on Labor Day and has already devasted the Bahamas, Nora and I have been reflecting on the effects that climate change is having on workers in America and about the meaning of Labor Day today.

There is no question that workers are on the front lines of climate change. Whether it’s working in increasingly hot temperatures on construction sites or in fields or rebuilding after ever more frequent and powerful hurricanes, workers are the most frequently impacted.

So, as we celebrate this Labor Day after a summer of record-breaking heat, let’s think about these workers and be grateful for the work that they do under increasingly difficult conditions. 

In turn, we also feel particularly grateful for YOU.

We are grateful that you have supported IWJ and our affiliates and grateful that you value the intertwining of faith and worker justice. You understand the importance of the work being done in Texas, Florida, and New Jersey to ensure responsible and safe clean up after devastating storms and the work being done across the country to ensure that workers can work safely in increasingly hot environments. 

It is because of you that IWJ and our affiliates have been able to make great strides for workers across our country – from effectuating policy changes that have improved the lives of thousands of workers and their families to standing with poultry workers advocating for safer working conditions and bathroom breaks.

This Labor Day, we ask you once again to support IWJ and our efforts.

In solidarity,

Jeanette Smith & Nora Morales
Co-Chairs, Board of Directors
Interfaith Worker Justice

P.S. If you donate $25 or more, we'll send one worker in your life a special token of appreciation for their contributions to our country. Be sure to include their name and address in the "In honor of" section.

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Interfaith Worker Justice | 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, IL 60660 | 773-728-8400
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