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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

Because of your support, our Faces of America spokespeople have been on the air in Alabama, Arizona, California, Maine, and New Mexico since August of 2019.

We've also been on the air in Michigan and Minnesota since February, and just this month your support has allowed us to double our ad buys in Detroit, Michigan.

I'm sorry to say (but not surprised) that the radical Left has upped their support of Liberal Senate candidates across the country so they can rip the power of the Senate from Republican control.

If Republicans lose the Senate and the White House...


The stakes have just gotten higher:

⚠️  Obama has just endorsed the liberal candidate trying to unseat vulnerable North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis.  The Democrats are trying to BUY this U.S. Senate seat, and we must stop them!

⚠️  The Left is spending millions of dollars to unseat Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins.  Although Susan Collins is not conservative and not a Trump supporter, she's NOT a socialist and often votes the party line.  And frankly, with the control of the U.S. Senate (and so much more) at stake, WE NEED HER!

⚠️  One of the closest Senate contests in the country just got uglier.  Democrats have already spent $20 million to spread lies, slander, and attack the character of brave Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran (and black conservative) John James --- and liberal fat-cats are pouring millions more into defeating John.  The latest polls show John closing in on Democrat Gary Peters and the Democrats know it and will do anything they can to prevent John James from winning this crucial Senate Seat.  We need John James in the U.S. Senate!

⚠️  Alabama's race is shaping up to be a contentious showdown between college football coach, Trump endorsed, Tommy Tuberville and Liberal Senator Doug Jones.  Jones stole this seat from Republicans in 2017 by beating Roy Moore in a special election to replace retiring Jeff Sessions.  This made Jones Alabama's first elected Democrat to the Senate in 25 years.  We need to get this seat back!

⚠️  Political Scientists believe Arizona is turning purple.  Democrat candidate Mark Kelly is giving Republican Air Force veteran incumbent Martha McSally a run for her money.  We must save this seat!

⚠️  And lastly the swing state of Wisconsin currently has Joe Biden beating President Trump by 4%.  Donald Trump won Wisconsin in 2016 much to the surprise of political pundits.  We need to make sure he does so again!

Nineteen years ago next month, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.  News reports from the Middle East showed Middle Easterners cheering and burning American Flags.

Since then, the Democrats have picked up the pace and steadily marched toward socialism.  They know that if the government controls all aspects of our lives, we will be forever beholden to the government, their handouts, and to them!

The Democrats Plan for America

President Trump has been blamed for everything under the sun and repeatedly attacked by the Democrats the whole four years of his presidency.  The Democrats have created diversion after diversion.  And in spite of the never-ending attacks, President Trump has accomplished so much for America.

But it has just gotten tougher for him and Republicans across the nation.

Liberal billionaire George Soros just flooded Democratic PACs, liberal candidates, and Joe Biden's campaign with $50 MILLION.  That's $30 MILLION more than in 2016 and we still have 60 days to go until Election Day!

And as a supporter of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, you know that "Mini Mike" Bloomberg has committed to spending $2 BILLION to defeat President Trump this Election!

It's clear.  With just about 60 days to go, the Democratic National Committee, and other leftist, radical Fat Cats will be pouring money into Biden's campaign and into Senate campaigns so they can take COMPLETE control of the federal government this election!  We can't let that happen!

This country can't afford to go back to the days of the Obama and Biden Administration.  And with Joe Biden showing early signs of dementia, it is likely that his running mate, Kamala Harris will be stepping into the presidency when he's deemed no longer fit to serve.

Senator Kamala Harris is rated as more liberal than Bernie Sanders
Senator Kamala Harris is rated as 'more liberal than Bernie Sanders'

And though Kamala Harris has only served two years as the junior senator from California, we do know that she's a pro-abortion extremist who supports the Green New Deal, Bernie Sanders' Mandatory Medicare for All, open borders, and of course raising taxes to pay for more "FREE STUFF."


It's more important than ever that we do everything possible to make sure that President Trump has FOUR MORE YEARS.

We are now just about two months out from the general election and we must keep the pressure on.

We must not only stay on the air in Alabama, California, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and New Mexico, but increase our ad buys in minority markets, and expand into Arizona, North Carolina and Wisconsin ASAP.

And, if we have the funding we'll stay on the air in all those states and launch into Pennsylvania and Florida in October.

These are the states that can make the difference in November.

These are the states where data shows the Democrat is vulnerable and/or are neck in neck between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

We MUST continue to be laser-focused making sure minorities hear the truth about President Trump and Republicans.

A Biden/Harris presidency will bring hikes in individual income taxes, small business taxes, corporate taxes, Capital Gains taxes, and carbon taxes, as well as mandate new taxes for healthcare.  All of that spells a disaster for all Americans.


We cannot allow those who HATE AMERICA to take control of it, John!

They're Coming After Us... Trump is Just in the WayPresident Trump is on our side and on the side of liberty.  The Haters are making his life a nightmare because he's standing in the way of them getting what they want.

That's why it's imperative that we stay on the air in support of President Trump and make sure minority voters hear the truth about the lies that the Democrats have been feeding them for decades.

We must stay on the air and expand into the states where President Trump needs the most help (and can win) and defeat some of the most radical, socialist political incumbents.

We have paid for our radio time through August and are now working to raise just over $68,700 for September and $100,000 for October.

That is just the bare minimum we need as the radio time in Florida and Pennsylvania is among the most expensive in the country.  If we raise more, we'll buy more ads.

The battle for America continues, and with you by our side, we will prevail.  All we have to do is syphon off a few percentages of the minority votes from the Democrats and they will lose!

WE MUST FIGHT together on behalf of President Trump's re-election and reverse the Left's march toward Socialism...

We've come so far in four years, having another four is imperative.

Please RENEW your support today by sending a most generous gift of $28, $40, $75, $150, $500, $1000 or more if you can swing it.

But if that is just too much for you right now, please know that any amount you feel comfortable sending is critically needed.

There's a lot of work to do, but together, we can dispel the Liberals' Lies and continue on our path of GREATNESS.

I trust you will do what you can.

John Philip Sousa IVUrgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. President Trump is having a very hard time right now defending our freedoms and against Socialism.  He needs you!  We must stand united and fight alongside him.  Donald Trump is not only the gatekeeper of Free America, he's the gate keeper of the Free World.