Dear John ,

286,000 of you have signed the petition calling on the House of Lords to protect our NHS from privatisation and give MPs a say over trade deals. Now it’s time to make sure that message gets through.

On Tuesday 8th September, the Trade Bill will be introduced to the House of Lords - with no protection for our NHS.

Are you willing to spend 1 hour next week directly helping to protect our NHS from a Trump trade deal?
Sign up for a webinar now
Boris Johnson has betrayed the British people. He promised to "take back control" and "keep the NHS off the table", but over 300 of his MPs have voted against parliamentary scrutiny and NHS protection in the Trade Bill debate.

This is our chance at stopping Donald Trump and his healthcare cronies. Over the next few weeks, we need to persuade Lords and then MPs to step up now and protect our NHS.

We’re holding webinars next week where you can
  • Find out what the campaign plan is to influence the Lords
  • ‘Adopt a Lord’ and take action then and there during the webinar to influence them
  • Get ready to make Tuesday 8th a big day, where not just the Lords but Johnson and Cummings realise they’ve got a fight on their hands
Join us for an hour
We’d love to see you there!

(If you can't make it, don't worry, we'll be in touch again soon with other actions.)

Have a great weekend.

Cat, Ellen, Pascale, Chris and Alice - the We Own It team

PS THANK YOU so much to everyone who took action last week to scrap Serco. Your pressure has helped push the government to change its message on local contact tracing, but Serco and Sitel are still receiving public money that should be going to local teams to keep us all safe. We're not giving up - watch this space...
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