Weekend Edition, August 29-30, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse: Role Model? American Hero?

Harold Cameron

This Year’s Economic Destruction Due to the State’s Coronavirus Response Will Pale in Comparison to What’s Coming

Gary D. Barnett

How To Invoke a Face Mask Exemption at the Barber & Get VIP Treatment

Allan Stevo

Anthony Fauci and the Galactic Museum

Jon Rappoport

Why Affirmative Action Must Go

Michael S. Rozeff

Let’s Talk US Foreign Policy: It Is the Root Cause of Many Evils

Philip Giraldi

Medical Authorities Continue To Block Effective Covid Treatment

Paul Craig Roberts

Lawsuit Filed Against Merck for Lying to Doctors & Moms About the Gardasil Vaccine

Arjun Walia

New York’s Big Brother Has Gone Bananas

Jack Cashill

Here’s How November’s Election Could Lead to a New Civil War

Wayne Dupree

Gates Suffers From CO2 and Viral Dementia

Dr. Mark Sircus

IV High-Dose Vitamin C Saves Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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