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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 2 September


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Secularism in the media


Schools will be backed on LGBT-inclusive lessons, says Williamson

Every school will receive backing from the government on teaching pupils about same-sex relationships, the education secretary has said. But Gavin Williamson appears to have stopped short of saying that primaries have to cover same-sex relationships.



Archbishop of Canterbury tells Remainers to ‘stop whingeing’ and accept Brexit

The archbishop of Canterbury, who has been approached by some MPs to chair a 'citizens' forum' on Brexit, has urged Remainers to "stop whingeing" and accept the result of the 2016 referendum.

The Sun


‘The Church of England has no moral right to interfere in politics’

NSS honorary associate Maajid Nawaz questions the Church of England's place in the constitution after Justin Welby's comments on Brexit.



Banning parades after Glasgow violence ‘deeply problematic’

Moves to ban loyalist and republican marches after disorder in the Govan area of Glasgow would erode human rights, an expert on sectarianism has claimed.

The Times (£)


Calls for new assisted dying law after figures show 20 people a day die in pain

At least 17 people die in pain every day in Britain despite the best efforts of medical staff. The findings have led to campaigners stepping up calls for assisted dying to be legalised.



Asia Bibi pleads for justice for victims of Pakistan's harsh blasphemy laws as she plans to settle in Europe

Asia Bibi, who spent eight years on death row in Pakistan on a blasphemy charge, has spoken about some of the damage done by Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

The Telegraph


‘Significant spike’ in reported anti-Muslim incidents following Boris Johnson burka comments

An anti-racism group says there was a "significant spike" in recorded anti-Muslim incidents following Boris Johnson's comparison between women in burkas and letterboxes.

Sky News


British ‘cover-up’ of Buddhist guru’s sexual abuse

The death of a disgraced Buddhist guru accused of using devotees as his sexual playthings has highlighted the scandal that has engulfed his British followers.

The Times (£)


‘When religious ideology drives abortion policy, poor women suffer the consequences’

Gretchen Ely says evidence shows that religion can be a burden, not a blessing, when it comes to reproductive health.

The Conversation


‘Raped, miscarried, arrested: Inside El Salvador’s state-sponsored persecution of vulnerable women’

Dozens of women are serving decades-long sentences in traditionally Catholic El Salvador for miscarriages and stillbirths, often as a result of rape, with some handcuffed to a bed while they are still haemorrhaging.

The Independent


In case you missed it: from the NSS


Religious reps’ influence over education is an affront to democracy

An NSS report has called for an end to religious appointees on council education committees in Scotland. Neil Barber says it's long past time for these positions to go.


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