John --
Good evening and welcome to our Weekend Update.
As our convention comes to a close, I, like you was very
happy and impressed with all of our speakers. They were inspiring and
told relatable stories. From the Cuban-American businessman Maximo
Alvarez to Ann Marie Dorn, the widow of retired St. Louis police
captain (who was shot after a violent night of
protests) to Herschel Walker’s 37-year relationship with
Donald Trump to Clarence Henderson, a civil rights activist to
First Lady Melania Trump (Melania was incredible) to Vice
President Pence's strong delivery and of course President Donald
Trump’s All-American message… they were all outstanding.
The Democratic Party and the media’s reactions were
predictable. They are now engaged in their ultimate "projection";
accusing Republicans of what they are guilty and have been for months…
painting a dark picture of fear for our country. From my hours
of watching the RNC Convention, this was the exact opposite of our
message as Republicans delivered a realistic, yet optimistic view for
our nation. This is of course what the Democrats do. Their strategy is
to accuse others of things they are blatantly and overtly guilty of
saying and doing and they count on the mainstream media to alter the
narrative coming out of a successful RNC Convention. And as we know,
the media is a very willing accomplice.
However, I do believe the left and the media are truly beside
themselves with concern because they overplayed their left extremism
and have shown how far out of touch, so blinded by their ideology they
didn’t even know how far left they have gone until it was too late. It
took a poll to tell them that their wild-eyed extremism, condoning of
lawlessness in the streets and defunding of the police is
NOT what the vast majority of Americans
They were stunned listening to the everyday stories of people
and how the President and our Party are not only with
them, we are them. There
was also a perfectly elitist liberal response from MSNBC's Joe
Scarborough calling our speakers “misfits” while he openly questioned
how they even got in there… meaning the convention. These out of touch
media and liberal elites, let’s call them the “miserables,” will
continue to spread their propaganda, but the walls of their echo
chamber will continue to close in. Meanwhile, traditional Democrats,
whose Party is now far out in left field, will continue to relate to
the President’s agenda and the initiatives we are advancing. They will
become Trump Democrats. They too love America and our convention put
this on display for all of the nation.
Americans are and will continue to build from our past. We
will continue to demand “liberty and justice for all" with all of our
heart and soul. That is why we believe so strongly in our Constitution
and why we are a nation of laws. It is why we want judges who do not
legislate from the bench, because we demand equal treatment for all.
It is why we cherish our Bill of Rights and demand a limited
government that empowers people and does not encroach on our
liberties. We are a nation that can provide resources to help our
fellow Americans make it through tough times to “promote the general
welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our
Posterity.” This election means a lot of things to all of us. I like
to offer you a few.
This election is about people.
Our Party, President, policies and our ideals are entirely
focused on what’s best for the American people. Laws, opportunity,
education, human rights, freedoms and justice based upon all men and
women being created equal is our North Star. Of course, we’ve had a
history with class and racial struggles, as did all countries. We will
continue to be a government of the people, by the people and for the
people. When we stray from these principles we must have the laws and
courage of our leadership to call it out.
Today’s Democrats seem to be more concerned with their
interests and identity politics than the greater good. They
consistently put politics over people. All so-called “leaders” whether
in elected office, communities, businesses and the media, for that
matter, that do not denounce lawlessness in the streets exhibit
terrible leadership. Because far too many won't denounce these
unacceptable actions the problem is getting worse. We are observing
people being openly harassed at restaurants, police being spit on and
people walking in the streets being beaten and shot. Yet, so-called
leaders tacitly condone and refuse to denounce these horrific actions.
At the same time, all the corrections and improvements that
we all have agreed on should be made related to law enforcement
reform. President Trump, Senator Tim Scott and Congressional
Republicans have embraced and are willing to enact reforms and work
hand-in-hand with our police as well as with our Democratic
colleagues. Yet, this effort was discarded by the Democrat
leadership... because they
want the political gain of the issue rather than the solution to the
problem. This is reprehensible and the people should vote them
This election is about
Leadership is very much about staying focused on the greater
good and inspiring others to do the same. President Trump and I
believe our Party's focus should be on law and order, national
security, economic strength and education, which are all in the best
interests of all Americans. Leadership requires
courage. It’s not leadership to make short-term political decisions
that satisfy the issue of the day, real leadership is understanding
that we must lead with a long-term
view. Leadership is certainly not being afraid
to call out those doing wrong for short-term political
Today’s Democrat Party, fueled by the mainstream media,
spends more time misrepresenting and selling an issue for short-term
gain rather than thinking and caring for what’s best in the long-term
for our people and our country. Did President Dwight D. Eisenhour
focus on the result, or did he focus on what was politically correct
as he led the defeat of the Nazi regime? Did Martin Luther King, Jr.
focus entirely on all people living in freedom or did he try to be the
most popular pundit in the news? Did President Ronald Reagan focus on
America being exceptional for all or was he worried about getting the
credit? These were great leaders who always put the interest of the
people ahead of themselves. President Trump wants to Make America Great Again for all
Americans... not himself... All Americans! His record validates
this mission.
This election is about our
Where do we go from here? Where will our nation be in 20
years? Will we leave it strong for the next generations? Will our
national pride be intact? Will we still be the land of opportunity and
the beacon of hope worldwide? Will the American flag be the great
symbol of freedom worldwide it has been the last 240 years? Will we
continue to be the nation that sets the example of peace, individual
liberty and human rights or will be something else… something
unrecognizable. Consider the vision the Democrats have for our country
versus the one presented by the Republicans.
The Democrat's vision is difficult to understand. Their
words, action and policies offer a vision of socialism, a vastly
larger government involved in every aspect of our lives and are based
upon the failed assumption that the government knows better than the
people. Their vision is one that law and order are not important and
violence is a necessary price to pay for mistakes of the past. Joe Biden is known to be a
person that is never in doubt... and never right. But
then again, how can socialist plans in America ever be right? They
can’t be. Joe Biden is an absolute phony. (I recently
posted a video comparing Joe Biden’s 2008 vice-presidential nomination
speech to his 2020 presidential nomination speech and they are
alarmingly the same. What's worse is that you will see that Joe Biden
accomplished nothing that he talked about doing in his 2008
speech, which he is now peddling again to the American
Joe is about falsehoods, class warfare and has no intention
of getting anything done for the American people. The whole idea is
just to get elected and have power. This is, as we all know, 180
degrees different than Donald J. Trump. President Trump is authentic,
he is all about getting things done and his mission is to put the
interests of America above all else.
Lastly, the good news is, I
believe, the vast majority of Americans want
America to be Great! We have been through a
lot over the centuries and the decades and we are fighting through and
recovering from our latest national crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic. The
question for voters is who do we want at the wheel? The strategic
optimist who created an incredible economy, strong military, national
security and renewed America's leadership position worldwide? Or a
candidate and party that wants to “transform” America to fit an
extreme agenda which runs contrary to everything that has made America
great in the first place? Their plan is not to improve
America, it is to redo America to fit their socialist vision.
The American people, our leadership, our future, indeed our
Republic are on the ballot. It’s up to us to keep it.
I again want to thank everyone for their many messages,
prayers and best wishes. I am recovering rapidly. I will be back 100%
very soon.
Thank you,
