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American Greatness
This week, American greatness was on display. I hope you had the opportunity to tune into the 2020 Republican National Convention, because it was a four-night display of the people, principles and values that make the United States the "greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world."

I had the honor of attending President Trump's speech last night at the White House -- and I have to tell you, being there in person, surrounded by so many symbols of our history, President Trump provided the perfect commentary on where we've been as a nation -- and where, together, we can go.

"For America, nothing is impossible." - President Trump

Under the continued leadership of President Trump and Vice President Pence, America will continue to be the home of growing jobs, security at home, the sanctity of life, and the protection of the 2nd Amendment. 

Over the last four nights, we heard from everyday Americans like you and me -- small business owners, farmers, teachers, local elected officials, and folks from the heartland of America -- who are better today thanks to President Trump and are proud to join in support to continue this mission. 

Are you feeling inspired? I certainly am. If so, I encourage you -- let's make sure that we Keep America Great, and let's ensure more Republican victories this November. Sign up to help us reach our fellow Hoosier voters here at home -- and most importantly, get ready to vote!

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

P.S. In addition to the pomp and circumstance in the evenings, the RNC held its official business meetings on Monday in Charlotte, and while there, I was honored to officially nominate Mike Pence to be our Republican nominee for Vice President, and to cast all of Indiana's 58 delegates for President Trump. Watch the videos here and here

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Start Your Engines

On Sunday, Governor Holcomb joined fellow Hoosiers and fans worldwide to watch “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing!"

He started off race day with some media interviews and then watched the race from home with a group of his best friends. It may have looked a little different this year without 300,000 fans in the stands, but the Indy 500 is a Hoosier tradition that is not contained to the Speedway. Across the state Hoosiers gathered safely to watch the race and spend time with friends and family, and that's what it's all about. Congratulations, Takuma Sato, for winning this year's race and becoming a two-time Indy 500 winner!

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram


A Different Kind of Campaign

Earlier this week, Governor Holcomb's reelection campaign launched its second campaign ad of the cycle! The ad titled "Different Kind of Campaign" notes the strong bonds that Hoosiers have built with each other during the pandemic. Governor Holcomb is proud of the resiliency that Hoosiers have shown and is optimistic that -- together -- we can build an even stronger Indiana for future generations. 

“We’ve bonded together through our shared Hoosier values. We are One Indiana, closer than ever before and this election shouldn’t divide us. We’ll run a campaign people can be proud of.-Governor Holcomb

Watch: Victoria Spartz’s New TV Ad

Victoria Spartz has released a message coming to 5th District airwaves entitled "Bold Thinking."

The Spartz campaign said, "This commercial highlights the proven leadership and tested experience that will make Victoria Spartz the leader Hoosiers in the 5th District will be proud of. As a finance executive, business owner, and farmer, Victoria will bring her extensive experience to Washington."
How Did You Watch the RNC?
Across the state, the Indiana Republican Party and your local Republican Parties teamed up to host safe watch party events for the Republican National Convention. Check out the photos from just some of these events!
Watch: President Trump at the RNC
In case you missed it last night, we have President Donald Trump's full acceptance speech available to watch! This is the most important election in our nation's history, and with four more years President Trump and Vice President Pence will work hard to Keep America Great. 

Watch: Vice President Pence at the RNC

Our very own Vice President Mike Pence gave his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. During his speech, VP Pence discussed the Trump administration's work fighting politics as usual in Washington, building up our economy, and keeping America safe and strong through this pandemic. 

Vice President Pence said, 
"In our first three years, we built the greatest economy in the world. We made America great again." 

--> Click here to watch the full acceptance speech <--


Election Day is 67 Days Away!

Governor Holcomb and Secretary of State Connie Lawson gave an update on election preparations this week -- and the message was clear: This year, it remains safe and secure to vote! 

  • On November 3, the polls will be open for you to vote in person!
  • All Hoosiers have the opportunity to vote early (over 28 days). Skip the lines and vote early starting October 6.
  • Absentee voting protocol is in place as usual. Curious if you are eligible? Check here.
  • Your vote is protected as measures are in place to secure the voting process.
  • Voter registration is open now through October 5. Check to make sure your registration is up to date.
  • Safety is the top priority, as always. PPE materials will be distributed to all poll workers and voters in all counties thanks to the generous help of the Indiana National Guard. Social distancing will also be enforced.

Thank you, Governor Holcomb and Secretary of State Connie Lawson, for your leadership in keeping our elections safe and secure!

Upcoming Events
August 29: Patriotic Rally to Honor Servicemen
September 3: Perry/Spencer GOP Picnic
September 11: Warren County Republican Patriot Day Golf Outing
September 12: BBQ with the Blue
September 12: Wells County Lincoln Day Dinner & Reagan Rally
September 13: 9th Annual Chairman's GOP Rally and Cookout
September 26: White County Lincoln Dinner
October 2: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 3: Knox County Annual Spot Shoot 
October 5: Orange County GOP Annual Fall Dinner
October 7: Kosciusko County Republican Fall Fish Fry 
October 15: Lincoln-Reagan Fall Dinner
October 24: Adams County Lincoln Day Dinner

Have an event to add? Please email it to [email protected]!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb continues to use data to drive statewide decisions
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch commemorates the 19th amendment
Senator Todd Young discusses the RESTART Act in Pendleton 
Senator Mike Braun supports health care transparency pricing
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski welcomes Secretary of Interior to Elkhart
Congressman Jim Banks introduces Hospital Competition Act of 2020
Congressman Jim Baird supports Purdue's work in quantum technology
Congresswoman Susan Brooks celebrates 100th year anniversary of 19th amendment
Congressman Greg Pence makes keynote address at Veterans Treatment Court
Congressman Larry Bucshon attends Small Business Roundtable
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth congratulates Indiana Superintendent of the Year

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