This is a big deal, John.
After progressive Tiffany Cabán clinched the nomination for Queens District Attorney two weeks ago and declared victory in the national spotlight, a review of paper ballots determined that her out-of-touch opponent was ahead by just 16 votes.
You know what that means… an automatic recount.
But recounts are expensive, John. And Tiffany’s team sure wasn’t expecting this.
We need a Queens District Attorney focused on shaking up the system and fighting for every day New Yorkers. That’s Tiffany -- but now her victory is at risk. Rush a donation now to give her the resources she needs to make sure that every ballot is counted before the recount deadline.
We’ve seen this before. Remember Georgia? Remember Florida? Rigged election systems and rampant voter suppression prevent fresh, bold candidates from taking on the establishment and bringing about real, lasting change.
Just check out these bogus laws:
Out of 2,816 affidavit ballots, just 487 were valid in the Queens DA race. 114 of those ballots were invalid because the voters didn’t write the word “Democrat” on their ticket. And it wasn’t their fault; apparently they were not properly instructed by elections officials.
Are you kidding?
This inane rule is disenfranchising eligible voters and has the potential to change the outcome of this election. Especially in a local race like this, every. vote. matters.
According to New York’s corrupt election laws, if someone cast their vote at a polling station different from the one they registered at, their paper ballot can be disqualified.
These ridiculous rules only protect established incumbents and prevent people like Tiffany from winning elections. And when the system fails, it’s on us to overhaul it with grassroots power.
There has never been a more important time to fight for democracy. Tiffany is counting on progressives like you to make sure every vote is counted in this race. Will you donate $5 or more to help us ensure Tiffany’s victory as Queens District Attorney?
I’ll be sure to keep you updated,
Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America