Tune in to watch it at 1 PM ET.
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This is a moment of crisis. This is a moment of outrage. And this is a moment for our voices to come together, to demand that our democracy — and all it stands for — remains intact.

Later today, our President and CEO Vanita Gupta is testifying before the Committee on House Administration about the necessity for safe, fair, and accessible elections amid the COVID-19 pandemic. You can tune in and watch at 1 PM ET.

She will discuss how instead of putting the people and public health first, some in our nation's highest offices are leveraging this uncertain moment to sabotage our most treasured institutions — and slam the doors of democracy shut.

The situation is grim, Advocate. The U.S. Postal Service is facing profoundly troubling budget cuts and operational changes. The president is blatantly undermining Americans' confidence in voting by mail. The Senate has yet to give states additional election funding to fully prepare for November.

But here's the thing: We won't let them take our power. Too much is on the line — especially right now.

We are in unprecedented times. As calls for justice and an end to systemic racism continue and intensify, remember that our movement is strong. That our voices and votes are critical. And when we work together, the quest for justice is infectious. Check out our list of concrete actions you can take right now to save the USPS and ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot that counts this year.

It's an uphill fight. But it's one we are more determined than ever to win.

Thanks for raising your voice,

Leigh M. Chapman
Voting Rights Director

P.S. Be sure to catch our latest updates and get alerts to your mobile device so you can take swift action. Text "civil rights" to 40649 to sign up today.
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Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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