
We’ll keep this short.

Your help is needed. Seth’s primary election is just days away, and we have thousands of voters left to contact. Will you join us at one of our upcoming virtual get-out-the-vote actions?

Team Moulton - Get Out the Vote Actions
Saturday, August 29th, 1:00pm
Sunday, August 30th, 1:00pm
Monday, August 31st, 5:30pm

With your help, Seth has been able to turn Massachusetts’ 6th District from one that was at risk of going Republican to one that we can count on not only to stay blue, but to help get other Democrats elected up and down the ballot, from the State House to the White House.

But all of that is at risk if Seth doesn’t win in the September 1st primary.

Can we count on you to join us to ensure that Seth makes it over the finish line? 

We hope we can.

See you soon,

Team Moulton

P.S. If you aren’t able to attend a Get Out the Vote Action, please consider making a last-minute contribution here.