

Brady and Team ENOUGH are proud partners of the National Action Network’s Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks.


Our Team ENOUGH Executive Council Member, Aalayah Eastmond, will be speaking soon. After surviving the Parkland shooting, Aalayah dedicated herself to fighting to prevent gun violence. This summer she co-founded Concerned Citizens DC. 



Join us as we march for criminal justice reform, police accountability, and voting rights on the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington. We march for George Floyd, for Breonna Taylor, for Jacob Blake, and for the countless other Black men and women whose lives have been senselessly taken too soon. 

The time is too critical for us to remain silent on issues of injustice affecting our nation. Take action now! 

Watch Aalayah's speech now! >>

Team Brady



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Our goal at Brady is to reduce gun deaths 25% by 2025. Thanks to our incredible supporters like you, we know we can do it.