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'New York City is a major business location, tourist location, family location, for people all over...all the major cities are recognized as high risk of communicable diseases.”

— Marjorie P. Pollack, an infectious disease epidemiologist based in the city

News of the Week

The Other Communicable Diseases —Besides Coronavirus—That Call NYC Home
The city’s Health Department has been monitoring a number of sources for potential communicable diseases outbreaks for more than 20 years. Here are some of the illnesses, other than COVID-19, that have seen recent upticks in New York.

The True Lessons the 1970s Fiscal Crisis Offers Pandemic NYC
The crisis is held up as a morality tale about the limits of democracy and progressive government—lessons that some would apply to our current, pandemic-driven emergency.

Protesters Demand Justice for Chinese Senior Set on Fire in Brooklyn
More than a hundred protesters gathered at Washington Square Park on August 15th, demanding justice for the 90-year-old Chinese woman who was set on fire in Brooklyn last month.

Hunger ‘Skyrocketing’ in Latino Neighborhoods Hard-Hit by COVID
In order to survive, people who do not qualify for any direct federal, state or municipal financial aid have turned to queuing twice a week at pantries across the five boroughs.

Which Neighborhoods Could Be Hit Hardest By City Lien Sales?
State and local lawmakers have called on the mayor to halt a planned September sale of property tax and water fee debt to collectors.

Asian Community in Sunset Park Call City Speaker To Support Industry City
The project has been controversial from the beginning. But some think it would boost the local economy and create 20,000 jobs for residents.

Inwood Groups Want State’s Highest Court to Hear Rezoning Dispute
The suit raises questions not just about one rezoning but also about the balance of power in New York over land-use policy.


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Una Ciudad sin Límites

Incluso después de que una vacuna contra COVID-19 sea aprobada, la distribución será difícil
Incluso después de que una vacuna COVID-19 se finalice, los expertos dicen que hay una serie de obstáculos para administrarla con éxito en una ciudad como Nueva York.

COVID-19. A Housing Crisis. Climate Change. The 2020 Elections.
New York faces important tests over the next few weeks
and for years to come. City Limits needs your support to cover them with the depth and principle we've applied since 1976. Please give today.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Budget Cuts to City Parks This Year Will Worsen Decades of Underinvestment
All the recent news coverage and social media posts about New York City parks ridden with trash focus on the symptoms—not the system—which has historically underfunded our parks, says Roxanne Delgado, a member of Friends of Pelham Parkway.

Opinion: Now More Than Ever, NYC Needs a Stock-Transfer Tax
‘The lower the trading volume, the lower the tax. This would help diminish the wild and speculative volatility that caused many of Wall Street’s and America’s problems in recent years,’ says Mary Ann Castle, a senior associate at Planning Alternatives for Change and Gene Grabiner, a SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus.

Opinion: Open, Hybrid or Fully Remote, NYC Schools Need Aid, Not Austerity
‘Without increased funding to make up for structural losses at schools, the institutionally racist chasm of inequity in education will continue to grow wider as students least served by city and state governments are left to suffer from resource deficits,’ says Mohammad J. Ahmad, a teacher in the Bronx.

Opinion: NYCHA's New Rescue Plan Must Wait for Resident Input
'We expect that NYCHA and our local elected officials will embrace the opportunity to work with us. These are our homes and nothing will happen to us without us,’ says Marquis Jenkins, a member of Residents for Preserving Public Housing.


Fall 2020 Interns Wanted 

City Limits is currently accepting applications for its CLARIFY (City Limits Accountability Reporting Initiative for Youth) journalism internship for the fall of 2020.

This is an excellent opportunity for young people interested in media, writing and/or civic issues. Because of COVID-19 safety concerns, the program will take place remotely.

The fall internship will take place on Zoom twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for nine weeks, starting Sept. 29 and ending Nov. 24.

Start date: Sept. 29
Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. (remote)
Deadline to apply: Sept. 13 at midnight

To apply, please complete and submit our online application form here.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact youth program manager Jeanmarie Evelly at [email protected].

Job Board
Our job board is full of positions in New York's public sector. Explore more jobs here.

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