Back to School News
There is much focus on the return to school. School is so important for children and young people, not only for their education and future opportunities but also for their mental health and well-being. The risk to children from Covid is very, very low and much smaller than the risk to their future of missing more school.
All Chelmsford schools have been working hard to ensure that all children will be able to return to school safely this September. I visited St John Payne Catholic School to hear from their leadership team about the measures they have put in place to keep students and staff safe when school returns next week. Each year group will work in a separate part of the school, they will arrive and leave school from separate entrances, will have separate areas to congregate at break and lunch and will have different collection points for meals at lunchtime. This means that if there was to be a case of Covid contacts can be easily track and traced and the virus can be contained.