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The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into a charity that promoted fake coronavirus protection kits. In April, the regulator said it had opened a compliance case into The Kingdom Church GB, which runs a church in south London, after the National Secular Society said the charity had been advertising false coronavirus cleansing products made of oil and string.
Relatives of people who have brought legal cases on assisted dying are for the first time making a joint appeal for an inquiry into the current law in England and Wales, saying there is an overwhelming case for change.
Bob Blackman MP has lent his support to plans for a crematorium attached to a Hindu temple, despite concerns around the impact it will have on green belt land.
The Vatican has concluded that Fr Cuthbert Madden, who stepped aside as Abbot in 2016 during an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct, should not return to Ampleforth Abbey.
Jewish parents in New Zealand decided to circumcise their newborn son five months after his birth, as coronavirus regulations made finding a professional circumciser impossible.
"My husband and I are both proud Jews, but we didn't circumcise our son. We refused to subject him to what we believe is a traumatic and hurtful practice."
China has secretly constructed new prisons and internment camps over the past several years as the Communist Party-ruled country ramps up its mass detention campaign against Muslim minorities, according to a report on Thursday.
A popular priest is being investigated by prosecutors over accusations he diverted donations at Brazil's third largest pilgrimage site into real estate investments, including a ranch and a luxury beach house, authorities said.
The Islamic State terror group is reorganising and ramping up its guerrilla-style attacks in Syria and Iraq, the United Nations' counter-terrorism chief has warned, adding that the crisis unleashed by coronavirus could make it easier to recruit a new generation of jihadists.
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