New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc.

Dear Supporter,

Today marks just 50 days until the election, and the extra delay means more time for politicians to waste our money to buy votes. I’m emailing today to ask for your support to help fight the politicians and parties wasting your money on pork-barrel promises.

Yesterday we learned that the Green Party Co-leader James Shaw awarded $11.7 million of taxpayer money to a private "Green school" in Taranaki.  Up until now, the Greens have opposed funding for independent or private schools. Despite this, Shaw announced funding for a school that charges more than $20,000 a year in fees.

The Greens support funding private schools, but only *their*

private schools.

The grant was funded as a “shovel ready” project, and James Shaw is trying to justify the payments as he says it will “create” jobs, mostly in construction.

But research set to be released by the Taxpayers’ Union on the "deadweight loss" of our tax system shows how government spending (tax and borrowing) are costing jobs in the private sector. Based on Treasury estimates of deadweight losses, the $11.7 million for this project alone will see 25 fewer jobs in the private sector.

Too often politicians and the media think that increased spending creates employment. But it that were true Greece and Spain – with their very high government spending – wouldn't be facing employment crises.

Friend, will you join me today in contributing to the Taxpayers’ Union election campaign fighting fund?  Every dollar donated will be used to fight for taxpayers – lower taxes, less waste, and more transparency – during this year’s election.

[Chip in $500] 

[Chip in $100] 
[Chip in $50] 

[Chip in $20] 

With your support, we can turn up the heat on the politicians who are as unprincipled as the Greens in using your money for their pet projects and causes.  And we will hold them to account for the ridiculous claims that they’re ‘helping’ New Zealanders by spending your money for you.

Thank you for your support.




David Farrar
New Zealand Taxpayers' Union

Ps. We have a suite of potential projects to highlight the Government’s failure to deliver for taxpayers – but none can happen without your support.  If you’d like to discuss sponsoring a substantial project this election season, hit reply to this email and we can call to discuss.

Authorised by The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Inc. Level 4, 117 Lambton Quay, Wellington.