Dear CV Friend,
I am writing this message 500 feet from the
entrance to the White House.
Because of you,
I was honored to receive an invite to watch the President deliver his speech tonight from the South Lawn of the White House.
IMPORTANT: The most important reason I am here is because I am proud to represent you
-- in supporting President Trump -- because he has stood up for us, especially on the “preeminent” issue of protecting human life.
I admit, four years ago I had my doubts.
Could we trust this flashy New York celebrity with our country and the issues that truly matter? Life? Family? Religious Freedom? Judges? Support
for Catholic schools? Jobs and respect for our workers? Courage in the face of the shameless Left?
Justice for the Little Sisters...?
And then he delivered.
Over and over again.
So now it’s our turn to deliver back.
That’s why CatholicVote isn’t hesitating this time. We are going all in.
And we are very close to reaching our
$250,000 goal!
So far we’ve raised $179,508 towards our $250,000 Matching Challenge Grant. That’s
almost 72%!
We’re SO
CLOSE to our goal, but we’re running out of time. Chip in here!
With your help I will do everything possible to make sure Catholics in the swing states know the truth.
Your support right now will be immediately deployed to
fuel outreach ON THE GROUND in 6 key battleground states: FL, NC,
PA, MI, WI, and AZ.
Our full-time team in each state has recruited over 1,000 community captains with teams contacting every Catholic
voter in each of these states -- every day. And the best part -- our field staff tells me our massive volunteer army is more fired up than ever
before. I know you feel it too. There’s something building across the country…
And our job now is to turn this energy into what matters: votes.
If you’ve been holding back, now is the time to act. And have your gift doubled!
>> If you give $10, it becomes a $20 gift
>> If you give $25, it becomes a $50 gift
And if you’re able to donate $100, it becomes a $200
I know we can make it to the
finish line.
Thanks again for all you do for
the Catholic vote.
P.S. Be sure to check out our twitter feed tonight where I hope to share some pictures from the South Lawn. Rumor is there will be
fireworks following the President’s speech over the Washington Monument.
P.O. Box 259837 | Madison, WI 53725 | (312) 201-6559 |