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by Jake Johnson, staff writer Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was in surgery and under general anesthesia when the changes were discussed, warned the new guidance "will give people the incorrect assumption that asymptomatic spread is not of great concern."
by Jon Queally, staff writer The actions of the city's top law enforcement officials, said the group, "uphold and defend white supremacy, while demonizing people who were murdered for exercising their first amendment rights and speaking out against police violence."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "Through their actions, these officials mixed official government business with political activities as part of one of the largest political campaign events of the year."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "We knew this would happen. Lake Charles and Cameron Parish are petrochemical industry epicenters. The plants, export terminals, refineries, oil tank farms are ticking time bombs every hurricane season."
by Brett Wilkins, staff writer In the streets and on social media, anger and questions about systemic racism and white privilege abound in the wake of Kenosha shootings.
by Julia Conley, staff writer NBA players and the league's board of governors were set to meet Thursday morning to discuss whether to continue the rest of the season, after the Milwaukee Bucks led several teams Wednesday night in a labor strike to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "The Postal Service should be independent and removed from politics. Engaging in undisclosed contacts with Trump campaign officials directly undermines these goals."
by Andrea Germanos, staff writer "Maximum cruelty and maximum harm: That is how this administration operates. It is their policy and their platform," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
by Jake Johnson, staff writer "Denial is not a plan. Thoughts and prayers are not a solution. We must take action now to stave off even more devastation."
by Cassandra Stubbs The Justice Department's eagerness to rush through federal executions is grotesque—as is its willingness to expose hundreds of individuals to COVID-19 in the process.