Five days into Traitor Trump’s presidency, he was sitting across the dinner table from Steve Bannon — and casually sent Bill Owens’ son, Ryan, to Yemen on a mission.
Ryan never returned. He was the first to die on Donald Trump’s watch.
Since the beginning, Trump has never known what it means to be a leader or a real Commander-in-chief. And when he decides to blindly play big-man-going-to-war — lives are lost, military families suffer, and parents are forced to mourn the senseless loss of their children.
We must defeat Donald Trump before he carelessly sends any more troops into harm’s way. That much is clear. But we’ll need your help to spread this Gold Star father’s message.
Team, will you watch our new ad, spread it far and wide, then donate whatever you can to help us keep sharing stories just like this one to show Americans everywhere that Trump is unfit for the role of Commander-in-chief?
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Thanks for being such a vital part of this team. Your help today will help Bill and Ryan’s story be heard and go toward creating even more impactful ads like this to defeat Donald Trump for good this November.
— VoteVets