In the past two weeks, report after report has been shared in the media about hundreds
of positive COVID-19 cases at colleges and universities that have
decided to open their campuses for the fall semester. University
administrators are running a real-time experiment in the midst
of a pandemic-- and it's clear in most cases this experiment is
failing spectacularly.
We can't sit back and watch students
treated so horrifically: We have to do something.
This is URGENT.?Each day more
people are being diagnosed with COVID-19 because schools are
prioritizing their bottom lines over the health of their students,
staff, and faculty.?
In particular, these institutions
are failing to fully account for the health and well-being of those
disproportionately affected by COVID-19 -- Black & brown
communities and students with pre-existing conditions and
disabilities. There is no way the most marginalized students can
receive a quality education if they fear getting sick.?
Many local, state, and federal government responses to
COVID-19 have utterly failed at keeping us safe from the virus. We
can't allow higher education to be added to the list of institutions
that fail people during this pandemic.
Thank you
for caring about the lives of students and for practicing social
distancing when possible.??
In Solidarity,
Jaz, Digital Campaigns Manager
URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender