Democrats' Immigration Plans Are Gravely Harmful To What They Say Matters Most To Them. . . . . .Party seeks MORE immigration of just about Your financial support is needed TODAY Dear John - Almost no one wants higher unemployment, lower wages and unsafe working conditions. No one seeks to have an over-burdened infrastructure, a failed education system or blown environmental goals. These happen because people don't know how to prevent them, or place higher value on other goals. But you can help prevent them... by helping us cut immigration! Looking at the Democratic Party's platform, it seems that the party doesn't understand how immigration is so harmful to its expressed goals. That's where we come in. We inform elected officials -- and their voters -- about the practical effects of immigration, which often are the negative unintended consequences of careless legislating. Our army of activists helps open the eyes of politicians who have been blinded by donors and special interests. But we need your financial support to motivate and inform that army, and give them tools they need to effectively persuade their elected officials. Democrats are not our only target. Too many Republicans are apparently blinded by their donors' desire for cheap labor and higher corporate profits. But it's astounding to read and hear Democrat leaders openly acknowledge their desire for more immigration, less enforcement and greater enticement for illegal aliens... even while they present themselves as the party of reducing racial disparity in employment and housing, protecting the environment, and a fairer economy. John, we need both parties to understand that we cannot bring prosperity to all Americans while we endlessly import poverty, illiteracy and overcrowding... and we need them to understand that the American voters will no longer tolerate making the situation worse. We need your help to do that. If Congress passes what the Democrats' platform calls for, and the next President signs it, the struggle for a sane immigration policy will be harmed in unfathomable ways. We need your help to stop this platform from being implemented... and we need it now. After the election will be too late.
Even within the Immigration section of their platform, Democrats seem to understand that illegal immigration undercuts wages, job safety and fairness: "Democrats know that when employers feel free to abuse and bully immigrant workers, all workers suffer. That's why we will hold employers accountable, promote workers' rights, and prioritize the enforcement of labor and employment laws across the economy..." -- 2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 63 But since their 2016 platform, they've dropped any mention of E-Verify, workplace authorization or preventing visa overstays. John, this is a bigger problem than just illegal immigration. Harvard University economist George Borjas found that our current immigration policies take roughly five hundred billion dollars a year from the working class to benefit the wealthy. "[T]he workers who compete with immigrants, many of those being low-skilled Americanssending a roughly $500 billion check annually to the winners. Those winners are primarily their employers... Put bluntly, immigration turns out to be just another income redistribution program."
-- George Borjas An income distribution program that takes from the working class to give to the wealthy? That sounds like the exact opposite of what the Democrats are seeking in our economy: "The U.S. economy is rigged against the American people. Time after time, President Trump and the Republicans have rewarded big corporations and their wealthy donors, and left working families behind. Democrats will take decisive action to level the playing field for people of color, working families, women..." -- 2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 22 Of course, the Democratic Platform is correct in its criticism when it comes to the Republican congressional leadership's two decades of doing the dirty work of the corporate lobbyists and blocking the majority will of the U.S. voters to reduce annual legal immigration and mandate E-Verify. But in that, the cheap-labor Republican leaders have had the nearly unanimous support of the Democratic Members of Congress. We need YOUR help to continue educating voters -- and elected officials -- so they can recognize these contradictions and take actions that truly DO level the playing field for all disadvantaged Americans!
Let's look at the counter-productive aspects of the Democrats' platform: The largest portion of our bloated immigration program involves the chain migration of the extended family of previous immigrants. This type of migration doesn't serve America's needs, but the Democrats' platform says maintaining this category is a "guiding principle" and calls for an expansion of these programs (2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 62). The platform calls for a continuation of the Visa Lottery which randomly distributes lifetime work permits to people from countries with the fewest ties to the United States so they can randomly compete with American workers for jobs. (2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 63). And Democrats call for "increasing opportunities for legal permanent immigration" (2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 64) while providing the ultimate incentive for more illegal immigration, an unqualified amnesty: "Democrats believe it is long past time to provide a roadmap to citizenship for the millions of undocumented [illegal] workers, caregivers, students, and children." -- 2020 Democratic Party Platform, page 62 John, it's time Washington stop dancing to the tune of special interests, and start solving America's problems. Reducing immigration is a first step towards so many of those solutions. Want to help reduce America's production of pollutants? Reduce immigration. Want to help preserve America's natural resources? Reduce immigration. Want to help reduce the overburdening of our infrastructure and schools? Reduce immigration. Want to save hundreds of billions on federal spending? Reduce immigration. Want to help put Americans back to work, and ensure fair wages? Reduce immigration. The problem is that lots of industries make lots of money off of cheap labor. And immigration empowers a lot of special interest groups in Washington. But there aren't a lot of people who can directly link reducing immigration to their own bottom line. Mostly, we have to rely on the people banding together to stop this abuse of our democracy. We need the articulated will of the people to overcome the billions spent by corporations and their foundations. Will you support us?
You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Be well,
Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |