Please see a special message from our sponsor.


Dear Friend,

Our culture so closely resembles that of ancient Corinth, it’s as if Paul wrote his epistle of 1 Corinthians directly to us.

Like the Corinthians of old, we find ourselves in a society that is obsessed with self, indifferent (if not antagonistic) to God, confused about love, in denial of the Resurrection, and riddled with sin. Unfortunately, these sins have influenced the church today, just as they influenced the Corinthian church.

How should we respond? Paul gives instructions in 1 Corinthians, and I invite you to study this pivotal book in a new Dallas Theological Seminary free online course, taught by Dr. Tom Constable. Dr. Constable served as an esteemed professor in the Bible Exposition department at Dallas Theological Seminary.

In this seven-session course, you’ll learn about the history and background surrounding Paul’s messages to the church at Corinth. You’ll also explore how to find your identity in Christ instead of culture, delve into the famous love chapter (1 Corinthians 13), and find a renewed desire to use your spiritual gifts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

I encourage you to get started today.

Activate Your Free Course!


Mark M. Yarbrough, Ph.D.
Dallas Theological Seminary